11 Tháng 2 Là Ngày Cuối Cùng Ghi Danh Đi Bầu Cho Bầu Cữ Đặt Biệt Tháng 3

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của phoenix.gov Jan. 31, 2013 The following also is provided in Spanish. Lo siguiente también es provisto en español. Last Day to Register to Vote in March 2013 Special Election Approaching Monday, Feb. 11, is the last day to register to vote in the March 12 city of Phoenix Special Election. Phoenix voters will decide three ballot measures relating to pension reform for municipal employees and security for public transit vehicles. To be eligible to vote, a person must be a registered voter and reside within Phoenix at least 29 days immediately prior to this election. Voter registration forms are available at most libraries and government facilities, including the lobby of Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., or at the City Clerk Department on the 15th floor of City Hall. Registration forms also are available from the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office at recorder.maricopa.gov/web/regform.aspx. For questions about voter registration, contact the Maricopa County Elections Department at 602 506 1511. Voters who are not already scheduled to receive a ballot by mail may submit a signed request for a ballot by mail by Friday, March 1. Request forms are available at phoenix.gov/elections or by calling the City Clerk Department. Also, a Sample Ballot and Publicity Pamphlet will be mailed the week of Feb. 4, to each residence address in the city where there is a registered voter unless a voter has requested to obtain the Pamphlet electronically. The Pamphlet will list the early voting locations and the dates and times each are available. The Sample Ballot and Publicity Pamphlet also is available online at phoenix.gov/elections or from the City Clerk Department. For more information about the March election, contact the City Clerk Department at 602-261-VOTE (8683), TTY 602-534-2737 or visit phoenix.gov/elections. Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero 602-412-7228


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Get FitPHX Meditation Workshops at Phoenix Public Library in February

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của phoenix.gov Jan. 29, 2013 Phoenix Public Library will host free one-hour workshops on reducing stress through meditation at six locations in February. Learn a simple, yet powerful technique to reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance clarity of thought and mental equilibrium. Workshops are scheduled: 10 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 2 Century Library, 1750 E. Highland Ave. 1 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 5 Desert Broom Library, 29710 N. Cave Creek Rd. 6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 6 Ironwood Library, 4333 E. Chandler Blvd. 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 7 Mesquite Library, 4525 E. Paradise Village Parkway N. 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 9 Juniper Library, 1825 W. Union Hills Dr. 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12 Agave Library, 23550 N. 36th Ave. Workshops are presented by retired Army Lieutenant Colonel William Smith, director of Darshan Meditation Children’s Camp and practitioner for more than 30 years. For more information, call 602-262-4636 or visit phoenixpubliclibrary.org. Phoenix Public Library is a system of 16 branch libraries and the Burton Barr Central Library. Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/phxlibrary and “like” us on Facebook at facebook.com/phoenixpubliclibrary. Media Contact: Rita Marko 602-534-2025


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City Helps Families Claim Share of Millions of Dollars in Unclaimed Tax Credits

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của phoenix.gov Jan. 28, 2013 The city of Phoenix Human Services Department launched its Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) campaign to help low- and moderate-income working families who earned less than $50,270 in 2012 with free tax-filing services and an EITC tax credit up to $5,891. Individuals and families who qualify also may be able to file for the child tax credit the education tax credit at the city’s free tax preparation sites, scheduled to open on Jan. 28. In 2012, the Phoenix EITC program provided more than 5,300 families with free tax-preparation services and approximately $7.3 million in refunds to the local economy. However, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and city officials estimate that thousands of Phoenix residents who were eligible to receive the federal EITC failed to claim their money. Nineteen primary sites, located in Phoenix, offer free tax-filing services. A list of Phoenix sites, including hours and days of operation, is available at phoenix.gov/eitc. It is important to note that hours and days of operation vary for different locations. Taxpayers must bring a picture ID for themselves and spouse, Social Security cards and/or Individual Tax Identification Number cards for all household members, proof of income – including W-2s and 1099 Retirement Income – information for other income and all deductions/credits and the amount of money paid to child care provider (if applicable). If filing jointly, both adults must be present to sign the return. The city is partnering with the IRS, Arizona Department of Revenue, Salt River Project and the faith-based community to promote the EITC campaign. For information about the city of Phoenix EITC program, visit phoenix.gov/eitc or call 1-877-211-8661. For more information about Valleywide EITC site locations and hours of operation, call the Community Information and Referral hotline at 2-1-1 or visit 211arizona.org. Media Contacts: Alejandro Montiel Tamyra Spendley 602-534-3443 602-262-6658


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2013 Lunar New Year Tet Festival

Theo nguồn tin của Phoenix Vietnamese Community Center trên trang mạng FaceBook [caption id="attachment_300" align="alignnone" width="201"]Phoenix Tet Festival 2013 Phoenix Tet Festival 2013[/caption] LUNAR NEW YEAR FESTIVAL AT MEKONG PLAZA. Feb 8 5pm – 11pm. And Feb 9 11am – 5pm. Gotta go see some firecrackers.

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Residents Invited to Attend a Free "Code Compliance 101" Class

Theo nguồn tin trên trang mạng của phoenix.gov Jan. 24, 2013 Are you concerned about trash, high weeds, dead trees, graffiti, deteriorated fences or open/vacant properties in your neighborhood? The city of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) is hosting a free class on how the code compliance process works to address violations in your community. “Code Compliance 101” will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, at Desert West Community Center, 6501 W. Virginia Ave. Residents can meet code compliance staff and learn how to identify and report common violations, and other important ways to get involved in the process. Attendees will learn: The step-by-step code compliance process and timeline How to use free mobile phone applications to report blight How to address code violations at vacant properties What happens if a case goes to court Answers to questions about problem properties in your neighborhood How to use NSD’s Tool Lending Program for a neighborhood cleanup Maintenance tips and resources to prevent code violations Volunteer assistance: how to get it and how to sign up to help The class is open to all Phoenix residents. To register, call 602-534-4444 or email neighborhood.college@phoenix.gov. Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero 602-261-8512


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Những Nhà Hàng Phoenix trong 100 Nhà Hàng Thơ Mộng Nhất Cho Lễ Tỉnh Yêu Trong Danh Sách Open Table

Theo nguồn tin của Open Table trên trang mạng PRNewswire OpenTable Diner Reviews Reveal Top 100 Most Romantic Restaurants [link=http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/opentable-diner-reviews-reveal-top-100-most-romantic-restaurants-188028171.html]http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/opentable-diner-reviews-reveal-top-100-most-romantic-restaurants-188028171.html[/link] Different Pointe of View – Phoenix, Arizona

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Phoenix Partners with Arizona Foreclosure Prevention Task Force on Info Event

Theo nguồn tin trang mạng của phoenix.gov Jan. 17, 2013 The city’s Neighborhood Services Department is partnering with the Arizona Foreclosure Prevention Task Force to host a free foreclosure informational event from 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, at the South Mountain Community Center, Century Room, 212 E. Alta Vista Road. During the free event, residents affected by the current foreclosure crisis can meet face-to-face with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) certified housing counselors to explore their options and receive information on employment assistance, housing options and budgeting assistance. Studies indicate that homeowners who work with a housing counselor are 68 percent more likely to achieve a positive result when attempting to obtain a modification, forbearance agreement or a change in payment plans. Presentations also will be provided by the following organizations: Phoenix Workforce Connection: Employment assistance, job training and resume assistance Arizona Department of Housing: State programs available to address foreclosure options Attorney General’s Office: scam awareness and prevention Money Management International: budgeting assistance Residents currently behind on their mortgage payments or facing foreclosure are encouraged to attend. Attendees meeting with a counselor are asked to bring several documents, including: monthly mortgage statement, two most recent pay stubs for all family members contributing to mortgage payment, last two years of tax returns, two most recent bank statements, the most recent quarterly profit-and-loss statement (if self-employed), documentation of income received from other sources (alimony, child support, etc.), a utility bill showing homeowner name and property address, and an unemployment insurance letter, if applicable. No appointments are necessary and walk-ins are welcome. For more information or for free counseling services on foreclosure prevention, call 602-534-2538 or visit azforeclosureprevention.org. Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero 602-261-8512 http://phoenix.gov/news/011713foreclosureinfo.html

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Councilman Nowakowski to Join Martin Luther King Jr. March

Theo nguồn tin trang mạng của phoenix.gov Jan. 18, 2013 Councilman Michael Nowakowski Councilman Nowakowski will participate in the Martin Luther King Jr. March in downtown Phoenix at 9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 21. The event will begin at the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, 1401 E. Jefferson St, and end at Margaret T. Hance Park, near Third and Moreland streets. A community fair will be set up at the park, highlighting local artists and craftsmen. There will be guest speakers, a re-enactment of Dr. King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech, dancers, singers and fun activities for the whole family. “MLK Day isn’t just a day off from work – it is a day ‘on’ and a day for giving back,” said Councilman Nowakowski. “It is a day of service where individuals should take the time to realize what they have to be thankful for and what they can do to make our community even greater.” For more information, contact the District 7 office at 602-262-7492 or council.district.7@phoenix.gov. Media Contact: Michael Hammett Wesley Minga 602-495-5405 602-534-7324 http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/1/prweb10341920.htm

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Thông Báo Cho Ngày Lễ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Theo nguồn tin trang mạng của phoenix.gov Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Notice Jan. 16, 2013 City of Phoenix offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 21, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Here’s how city services are affected: Transit: Buses, Dial-a-Ride and METRO Light Rail will operate on Sunday schedules – Express and RAPID will not operate. Solid Waste: Since the city has now switched to same-day collection, there will be no change in collection day. Trash and recycling will be collected as usual for those with Monday collection. Transfer Stations: They will be closed. Library: Burton Barr Central Library and all branch libraries normally open on Monday will be closed. Parking Meters: They will be free. Media Contact: Public Information Office 602-262-7176 http://phoenix.gov/news/011613mlkholiday.html

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5 Khách Sạn & Khu Du Lịch Nghĩ Mát Đứng Đầu trong Thành Phố Phoenix

Theo nguồn tin trang mạng của bizjournals.com: 1. The Sheraton Phoenix Downtown 2. JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa 3. Arizona Biltmore 3. Arizona Grand Resort & Spa 5. The Western Kierland Resort & Spa The Top 5 hotels & resorts in metro Phoenix http://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/news/2013/01/18/the-top-5-hotels-resorts-in-metro.html

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