Governor Doug Ducey Volunteers At Back To School Clothing Drive For Arizona Children In-Need
JULY 15, 2015 PHOENIX – Governor Doug Ducey today joined volunteers at Grand Canyon University for the 21st annual New Clothes, New Beginnings event – a yearly Back to School Clothing Drive that provides school uniforms, shoes, backpacks and school supplies to thousands of underprivileged elementary school children in Arizona. “It was rewarding and worthwhile to be able to participate in this great cause, and to know that thousands of Arizona children went home with quality clothes and school supplies they otherwise may not have had,” said Governor Ducey. “All children deserve to enter the school year with the confidence and resources they need to be successful – and because of this excellent partnership with Back to School Clothing Drive, BHHS Legacy Foundation, GCU and others, these kids will have that opportunity this year.” This year, more than 5,500 students from 140 schools and 40 districts across the state gathered to “shop” for the upcoming school year. Governor Ducey joined a group of Valley elementary children in the GCU arena as they moved from station to station picking out items that, by the end of the event, amounted to an estimated $2 million worth of clothing and supplies for our children most in-need. The BHHS Legacy Foundation, a partner of New Clothes, New Beginnings, sends an additional 7,000 filled backpacks to students in northern Arizona and local social service agencies. ###]]]]> ]]>