Thông Báo Đóng Cửa & Thời Khóa Biểu Các Dịch Vụ Trong César Chávez 2015

Theo nguồn tin trên trang của

César Chávez Holiday Notice ​March 27, 2015 City of Phoenix offices will be closed Tuesday, March 31, in observance of the César Chávez holiday. Here’s how city services are affected: Solid Waste Trash and recycling will be collected as usual. There will be no change in collection day. Please place your trash and recycling containers curbside by 5:30 a.m. Make sure that containers do not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Transit Phoenix city buses, Dial-A-Ride, and Valley Metro Rail will operate on normal schedules. Garbage, Recycling and Transfer Stations The North Gateway Transfer Station and the 27th Avenue Transfer Station will be closed. Libraries All Phoenix Public Library locations will be closed, except for South Mountain Community Library. Parking Meters ​Parking meters will be enforced 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. For more information about parking meters, visit General Contact: City of Phoenix Communications Office Phone Number: 602-262-7177]]]]> ]]>

Thông Báo Đóng Cửa & Các Dịch Vụ Trong Ngày Lễ César Chávez

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của César Chávez Holiday Notice March 24, 2014 City of Phoenix offices will be closed Monday, March 31, in observance of the César Chávez holiday. Here’s how city services are affected. Trash and Recycling Trash and recycling will be collected as usual. There will be no change in collection day. Transit Phoenix city buses, Dial-A-Ride, and Valley Metro Light Rail will operate on normal schedules. Transfer Stations They will be closed. Library Burton Barr Central Library and all branch libraries normally open on Monday will be closed. Parking Meters They will be free. Media Contact: Public Information Office 602-262-7177

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