Phoenix Planned Major Street Restrictions – Updated Sept. 21

ept. 21, 2012 Drivers should be aware of the following city of Phoenix roadway restrictions and are encouraged to allow for additional time to travel. New Restrictions CAMELBACK ROAD – 40TH TO 44TH STREETS Camelback Road from 40th to 44th streets is scheduled to be restricted alternately to one and two through lanes of traffic in both the eastbound and westbound directions on a 24-hour basis beginning Monday, Sept. 24, until Monday, Dec. 3, to install major high pressure gas lines and a regulation station for Southwest Gas. Business and local access will be maintained. Police officers will be on-site to assist with traffic control. For additional project information, please visit or call project line at 602-532-6100. LINCOLN DRIVE (GLENDALE AVENUE) AND 22ND STREET INTERSECTION Lincoln Drive at the 22nd Street intersection, is scheduled to be restricted to one lane of traffic in both the eastbound and westbound directions from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 24, for an electrical power outage being performed by Salt River Project power crews. The outage will result in inoperable traffic signals at the 22nd Street intersection. Business and local access will be maintained. Police officers will be on-site to assist with traffic control. 43RD AVENUE AND INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD INTERSECTION 43rd Avenue between Clarendon Road and 800 feet north of Indian School Road, is currently restricted on a 24-hour basis for a City of Phoenix Capital Improvement Project to provide new fire line service. The northbound curb lane will be restricted through the intersection. Two northbound lanes will be maintained. All other through lanes and turn lanes will be maintained. Pedestrian, bus stop and business access will be maintained. The completion of the 43rd Avenue and Indian School project is scheduled for the final week of September 2012. Special Events LAVEEN 5K RUN/WALK – SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 This event will take place from 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. along Baseline Road between 55th and 59th avenues and along 59th Avenue between Baseline Road and South Mountain Avenue The run/walk will begin and end at Fairfax High School, 8225 South 59th Avenue. Runners and walkers will be traveling along the street on the sidewalk. PHOENIX CONVENTION CENTER – 40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION – SEPT. 28 This event will take place at the Phoenix Convention Center. Third Street will be closed from Monroe to Washington streets from 7 a.m. through 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28. During this event, Third Street traffic will be detoured at Van Buren Street to Second Street. Business access will be maintained. Reopening After Restrictions McDOWELL ROAD – 32ND TO 36TH STREETS McDowell Road is now open to normal traffic between 32nd and 36th streets following the repair and replacement of telecommunications lines. Continuing Restrictions Arcadia Drive and Lafayette Boulevard – north of Indian School Road and east of 44th Street, complete restriction to through traffic and restricted to local/resident access only due to a Maricopa County Flood Control District and city of Phoenix joint project, completion scheduled for April 2013. Broadway Road – Seventh to 16th streets, partial restriction due to a City of Phoenix Water Services Department project, completion scheduled for September. Jefferson Street – Central Avenue to First Street, partial restriction due to CityScape/Hotel Construction, completion scheduled for May 2013. Northern Avenue – Black Canyon Freeway (I-17) to 29th Avenue, restricted nightly due to a Southwest Gas Corporation project, completion scheduled for November. For additional project information, visit or call project line at 602-532-6100. Northern Avenue – 35th to 43rd avenues, partial restriction due to a Southwest Gas Corporation project, completion scheduled for November. For additional project information, visit or call project line at 602-532-6100. Seventh Avenue – Vineyard Road to Southern Avenue, partial restriction due to a City of Phoenix Water Services Department, and Design and Construction Management project, completion scheduled for September. 19th Avenue at Hatcher Road, partial restriction due to a Southwest Gas project, completion scheduled by the first week of October. 43rd Avenue – Orangewood to Northern avenues, partial restriction during the nights and weekends due to a Southwest Gas Corporation project, completion scheduled for November. For additional project information, visit or call project line at 602-532-6100. 56th Street – State Route 101 and Deer Valley Road, partial restriction due to a COP Water Services Department water main installation, completion scheduled for November 2012. These restrictions represent only the major planned activities reported to the Street Transportation Department’s Right of Way Management Office. This listing does not reflect closures or restrictions due to unexpected events such as flooding, traffic collisions, fires, utility failures or other emergencies. For information on continuing planned major street restrictions, visit or follow @PHXStreetTrans on Twitter. Media Contact: Sina Matthes 602-534-6648

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