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Phoenix’s Mountain View Park, 9901 N. 7th Ave., will soon be home to a community garden that will allow nearby residents an opportunity to grow their own fruits and vegetables, get outdoors and improve a vital neighborhood park. The Phoenix Parks Foundation was able to donate $66,000 to cover costs of irrigation, site preparation and other materials necessary to make the garden possible thanks to financial support from United Healthcare through CBS EcoMedia and the National Recreation and Park Association.
The Phoenix Parks Foundation will partner with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, the Sunnyslope Village Alliance, neighboring businesses, households, and local gardening groups to develop and grow the garden as a collaborative community service and wellness project. There will be a variety of plots available for residents. Those interested can get more information online on the Sunnyslope Village Alliance website at or by calling the Alliance at 602-944-0941 or sending an e-mail to
Residents can join a volunteer day of service and celebration on Friday, Sept. 6 to showcase the completion of the garden plots and to kick off garden preparation and planting. Attendance is not required for participation in the garden.
“Parks unite our communities and provide our city with healthy lifestyle options, and this grant will help Phoenix to be on top of its game for physical activity and wellness,” Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton said. “We will continue to connect the community to a wide range of recreational opportunities including Fit PHX, which includes all our city health-related programs and services and by encouraging participation in physical-fitness events, nutrition classes and other activities that promote personal wellness.”
“Phoenix takes great pride in the investments it has made for decades to create the third largest park system in the nation,” said Vice Mayor Bill Gates who represents the area on the Phoenix City Council. “With that investment comes a great responsibility to ensure our 189 parks and 35,000 acres of desert preserves are enhanced and maintained to ensure an inviting, well-equipped, safe park and preserve system for all to enjoy. This partnership is another example of an innovative City of Phoenix partnership that will maximize the use of taxpayer dollars in the delivery of city services.”
Gardening is being recognized regionally and nationally as an important means of improving nutrition and health in our communities. Initial plans call for a variety of garden plot sizes to fit individual needs in the community, with initial estimates calling for 15-20 plots in designated growing areas at Mountain View Park.
The community garden program will also make efforts to integrate the community and the City of Phoenix by offering individual garden plots to the Parks and Recreation Department, Police Department, Fire Department, Mayor Greg Stanton, and Vice Mayor Bill Gates.
Additional goals and impact for the community garden include providing the community with public health benefits, environmental education, decreased urban heat island effect and lower crime rates. The Sunnyslope Village Alliance and Phoenix Parks Foundation hope to use the momentum of this community garden project to identify other funding partners that could bring future improvements and enhancements to Mountain View Park. “With active community involvement, we are optimistic the community garden is just the first step in a comprehensive revitalization of Mountain View Park,” said Howard Taylor, a small business owner and President of the Sunnyslope Village Alliance.
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