Residents Invited to Attend Free "Code Compliance 101" Class

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Aug. 20, 2013 Are you concerned about trash, high weeds, dead trees, graffiti, deteriorated fences or open/vacant properties in your neighborhood? The city of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) is hosting a free class on how the code compliance process works to address violations in your community. “Code Compliance 101” will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, at Paradise Valley Community Center, 17402 N. 40th St. Residents can learn how to identify and report common violations, and other important ways to get involved in the process. Attendees will learn: The step-by-step code compliance process and timeline How to use free mobile phone applications to report blight How to address code violations at vacant properties What happens if a case goes to court Answers to questions about problem properties in your neighborhood How to use NSD’s Tool Lending Program for a neighborhood cleanup Maintenance tips and resources to prevent code violations Volunteer assistance: how to get it and how to sign up to help The class is open to all Phoenix residents. To register, call 602-534-4444 or visit NSD’s Neighborhood College website. Download Code Compliance 101 flyer Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero, 602-261-8512

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Voters Encouraged to Mail in Early Ballots Once Voted

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The following also is provided in Spanish. Lo siguiente también es provisto en español. Voters who received early ballots by mail are urged to vote and return their ballots promptly. Returning voted ballots as early as possible provides more time for signature verification and processing so that final results are available sooner. Early ballots must be received by the City Clerk Department no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 27. Early ballots also may be dropped off at any city voting center on Saturday, Aug. 24, Monday, Aug. 26, and Election Day, Aug. 27. Please remember that an Aug. 27 postmark will not be acceptable because the early ballot must be received by Tuesday, Aug. 27. Voters also may cast an in-person early ballot at Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., 15th floor, until Friday, Aug. 23. The following day, 18 voting centers will be open for eligible voters to cast a ballot in person. A list of voting center locations with a map is available online at the City Clerk Department website along with an interactive application that shows voters the voting center closest to them along with the amount of voter activity at each site. Accessible voting devices that permit voters with disabilities to vote independently will be available at all voting center locations. For more information about the election, visit the City Clerk Department website or call the City Clerk Department at 602-261-VOTE (8683) or TTY/602-534-2737. Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero, 602-261-8512

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Nina Gruber Chọn 10 Tô Phở Ngon Nhất Trong Thành Phố Phoenix Trên Trang Blog Báo The Phoenix New Times

Theo nguồn tin blog trên mạng của 10 Best Bowls of Pho in Metro Phoenix

Da Vang 4538 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 (602) 242-3575 Khai Hoang Restaurant 1537 E Apache Blvd Tempe, AZ 85281 (480) 829-7118 Pho Chandler 4055 S Arizona Ave Chandler, AZ 85248 (480) 895-9090 Pho Van 2095 N Dobson Rd #3 Chandler, AZ 85224 (480) 857-8130 Saigon Pho 1381 N Alma School Rd #3 Chandler, AZ 85224 (480) 786-8828 Pho Thanh 702 W Camelback Rd, Ste. 14, Phoenix, AZ 85015 (602) 242-1979 unPhogettable 66 S Dobson Rd Mesa, AZ 85202 (480) 835-2298 Tea Lite Café 7000 E Mayo Blvd #1084 Phoenix, AZ 85054 (480) 538-1600 Reathrey Sekong 1312 E Indian School Rd Phoenix, AZ 85014 (480) 238-0238 Rice Paper 2221 N 7th St Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-3326

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Residents Invited to Join City's Blight Buster Volunteer Program

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của Aug. 9, 2013 Residents 18 years and older are invited to attend an orientation session on the city’s Blight Buster Volunteer program from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, at the Neighborhood Services Department’s (NSD) West facility, 3325 W. Flower St. During the session, interested volunteers will receive a comprehensive overview of the volunteer training program. Attendees also will be fingerprinted as part of the security screening background check process. The rest of the training program includes two separate modules in the following weeks, which will educate residents on how to address a variety of blight-related issues in their community, including how to remove graffiti, use an airless paint sprayer and GPS cameras, coordinate with youth and adult volunteers, instruct schools and organizations on how to eliminate blight, address illegal signs placed in public right-of-way and more. Participants also will learn how to use the Tool Lending Program and how to effectively set up and manage a community cleanup. The separate modules will be held on Tuesday evenings, Oct. 8 and Oct. 15, at NSD West. Make-up sessions will be available. Upon completion, graduates will receive identification by the city, a uniform and other resources to help carry out their assignments. Last year NSD’s Blight Buster volunteers removed graffiti from 8,113 neighborhood locations and removed 5,099 illegal signs, along with other fighting-blight activities for a total of 2,408 volunteer hours. We invite you to join our team. Walk-ins welcome. For more detailed information on the volunteer program or to RSVP, call 602-534-4444 or email Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero 602-261-8512

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Certification Workshop for Small Business Owners

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của Aug. 16, 2013 Certification Workshop photo for city newsSmall business owners in Maricopa County are invited to participate in a free workshop and learn more about the city of Phoenix business certification programs and how they can provide opportunities for small business economic growth. The workshop will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, at Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., assembly room A. The city’s Equal Opportunity Department offers free quarterly educational workshops to help business owners complete the application process for certification with the city as a disadvantaged or small business enterprise. The workshops offer in-depth information about the requirements, process and benefits of becoming certified. Seating is limited for these presentations. To reserve a space, call the Phoenix Equal Opportunity Department at 602-262-6790/voice or 602-534-1557/TTY, or email Follow us on Twitter @phxequalopprty. Media Contact: Alejandro Montiel 602-534-3443

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Elections Staff Do Not Pick Up Ballots at Residences or Ask How One Voted

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Aug. 15, 2013 The city of Phoenix reminds voters that neither the county nor city elections departments send staff to residences to pick up ballots. Also, elections staff would never ask a voter how they voted. Voters have reported that individuals have come to their doors stating that they work for the elections department and that they are there to pick up the voter’s early ballot to return it. The individuals also are asking questions about how the resident voted the ballot. Voters should not give their ballot to anyone making such claims because they are not working for the elections department. Voters are encouraged to personally return their early ballot either by mail or delivering it to a voting location. If a voter needs someone to return an early ballot for them, it should only be given to someone the voter knows and trusts. If any voter is approached by someone claiming to be picking up ballots for the election department, they are encouraged to not answer any questions about voting and not give the person a ballot. If voters are concerned that these people are not legitimate, they can ask to see their government identification and if it is not given, they should end contact immediately and then report the incident to city election staff at 602-261-VOTE (8683). As a reminder, early ballots must be received by 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, to be counted. For more information about the election, contact the City Clerk Department at 602-261-VOTE (8683), TTY 602-534-2737 or visit the City Clerk’s Elections website. Media Contact: Stephanie Ribodal Romero, 602-261-8512

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Join Councilman Tom Simplot for a "Coffee Chat" at One Voice Community Center

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Caption:Councilman Tom Simplot

Residents are invited to join Councilman Tom Simplot for a coffee chat at 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, at One Voice Community Center (1VCC), 4442 N. Seventh Ave.

Councilman Simplot will discuss current policy issues facing the LGBT community in Phoenix and Arizona as well as city-related projects and initiatives.

Founded in 2005, 1VCC serves as a cultural focal point for the LGBT community in metro Phoenix.

For more information, contact the District 4 office at 602-262-7447 or email   

Media Contact:

Michael Hammett 602-495-5405

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Deadlines Approaching to Request an Early Ballot, Vote Early in Person

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của

The following also is provided in Spanish. Lo siguiente también es provisto en español.

Friday, Aug. 16, is the last day for registered Phoenix voters to request an early ballot by mail for the August Council Election.  Request forms are available online at the City Clerk Department website or by calling the City Clerk Department at 602-261-VOTE (8683).  The signed forms must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, to the City Clerk Department, 200 W. Washington St., 15th floor.  

Voters who wish to vote early in person rather than by mail, may do so at the following early voting locations:

  • Saturday, Aug. 17 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Adam Diaz Senior Center, 4115 W. Thomas Road
  • Saturday, Aug. 17 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  • Saturday, Aug. 17 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Paradise Valley Community Center, 17402 N. 40th St.

Voters also may cast an early ballot during business hours at Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St., 15th floor, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Friday, Aug. 23.  Accessible voting devices that permit voters with disabilities to vote independently are available at the early voting locations.  

Voters who received ballots by mail should take the time they need to consider the choices and mark their ballot.  However, voters who complete their ballots are encouraged to return the ballot as soon as it is voted.  Returning voted ballots as early as possible provides more time for signature verification and processing so that final results are available sooner.

Early ballots must be received by the City Clerk Department no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day, Aug. 27.  Early ballots also may be dropped off at any city voting center on Saturday, Aug. 24, Monday, Aug. 26 and Election Day, Aug. 27.  Please remember that an Aug. 27 postmark will not be acceptable because the ballot must be received by Tuesday, Aug. 27.

For more information about the election, contact the City Clerk Department at 602-261-VOTE (8683), TTY 602-534-2737 or visit the City Clerk Department website.

Media Contact:

Stephanie Ribodal Romero 602-261-8512

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Phoenix Parks Foundation to Make Community Garden Possible

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Phoenix’s Mountain View Park, 9901 N. 7th Ave., will soon be home to a community garden that will allow nearby residents an opportunity to grow their own fruits and vegetables, get outdoors and improve a vital neighborhood park. The Phoenix Parks Foundation was able to donate $66,000 to cover costs of irrigation, site preparation and other materials necessary to make the garden possible thanks to financial support from United Healthcare through CBS EcoMedia  and the National Recreation and Park Association.

The Phoenix Parks Foundation will partner with the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, the Sunnyslope Village Alliance, neighboring businesses, households, and local gardening groups to develop and grow the garden as a collaborative community service and wellness project. There will be a variety of plots available for residents. Those interested can get more information online on the Sunnyslope Village Alliance website at or by calling the Alliance at 602-944-0941 or sending an e-mail to

Residents can join a volunteer day of service and celebration on Friday, Sept. 6 to showcase the completion of the garden plots and to kick off garden preparation and planting. Attendance is not required for participation in the garden.

“Parks unite our communities and provide our city with healthy lifestyle options, and this grant will help Phoenix to be on top of its game for physical activity and wellness,” Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton said. “We will continue to connect the community to a wide range of recreational opportunities including Fit PHX, which includes all our city health-related programs and services and by encouraging participation in physical-fitness events, nutrition classes and other activities that promote personal wellness.”

“Phoenix takes great pride in the investments it has made for decades to create the third largest park system in the nation,” said Vice Mayor Bill Gates who represents the area on the Phoenix City Council. “With that investment comes a great responsibility to ensure our 189 parks and 35,000 acres of desert preserves are enhanced and maintained to ensure an inviting, well-equipped, safe park and preserve system for all to enjoy. This partnership is another example of an innovative City of Phoenix partnership that will maximize the use of taxpayer dollars in the delivery of city services.”

Gardening is being recognized regionally and nationally as an important means of improving nutrition and health in our communities. Initial plans call for a variety of garden plot sizes to fit individual needs in the community, with initial estimates calling for 15-20 plots in designated growing areas at Mountain View Park.

The community garden program will also make efforts to integrate the community and the City of Phoenix by offering individual garden plots to the Parks and Recreation Department, Police Department, Fire Department, Mayor Greg Stanton, and Vice Mayor Bill Gates.

Additional goals and impact for the community garden include providing the community with public health benefits, environmental education, decreased urban heat island effect and lower crime rates. The Sunnyslope Village Alliance and Phoenix Parks Foundation hope to use the momentum of this community garden project to identify other funding partners that could bring future improvements and enhancements to Mountain View Park. “With active community involvement, we are optimistic the community garden is just the first step in a comprehensive revitalization of Mountain View Park,” said Howard Taylor, a small business owner and President of the Sunnyslope Village Alliance.

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Baby Shots Immunization Program

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July 25, 2013 Phoenix Fire Department LogoThe PFD Baby Shots Immunization Program provides free vaccinations to children who are eligible under the Vaccine for Children’s Program (VFC). The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay. The program was officially implemented in October 1994 as part of the President’s Childhood Immunization Initiative. Funding for the VFC Program allows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to buy vaccines at a discount from the manufacturers and distribute them to state health departments and certain local and territorial public health agencies which, in turn, distribute them at no charge to private physician offices and public health clinics registered as VFC providers. Eligibility Criteria Include: Children from birth through 18 years of age who meet at least one of the following criteria on the day the vaccine is administered are eligible to receive VFC vaccine: KidsCare Medicaid eligible: In Arizona, children whose health insurance is covered by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS ) Un-insured: A child who has no health insurance coverage American Indian or Alaska Native: As defined by the Indian Health Services Act Please remember to bring your child’s immunization record/book to the clinic. Back to School PFD Baby Shots immunization clinics will be held at the following locations: Golden Gate Community Center 1625 N. 39th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, July 27th 2013 American Legion Post #41 715 S. 2nd Ave Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday August 10, 2013 Maryvale Community Center 4420 N 51st Ave Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, August 17, 2013 Pendergast Learning Center 3841 N. 91st Ave Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, September 14, 2013 American Legion Post #41 715 S. 2nd Ave Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, October 5, 2013 Golden Gate Community Center 1625 N. 39th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, October 12, 2013 Golden Gate Community Center 1625 N. 39th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, December 7, 2013 For question please telephone (602) 534-BABY (2229) to confirm times and locations or visit the Fire Department website. Media Contact: Captain Dan Daley 602-262-6977

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