Fred DuVal Announces Run for Governor at Local Businesses
Popular, locally-owned coffee houses in Phoenix and Tucson sites of announcement PHOENIX, April 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Today, in Phoenix and Tucson, before groups of enthusiastic supporters, volunteers, friends and his family, business and education leader Fred DuVal announced that he is running to become Arizona’s 23rd Governor. Assembled in locally owned, community coffee shops, those gathered heard Fred DuVal lay out his vision for Arizona first-hand; those who could not be there in person were invited to watch Fred’s Gubernatorial announcement video on his website at DuVal set his sights on jobs, opportunities and education for all Arizonans during his remarks. (Photo: “Today, Arizona’s promise has been broken,” DuVal said. “Investment in Arizona has suffered, education has been cut, growth is stalled, jobs have vanished. Our state leaders have no plan, no clear strategy to build jobs, opportunity and a good quality of life for today, or for tomorrow.” Speaking with conviction, DuVal continued, “We have to do better. Together we can set our sights on big goals and move with common purpose: a robust and competitive business climate; a workforce with skills for the new economy; efficient government that is accountable to people. I believe that we can achieve these goals. That is why I am announcing my candidacy for Governor. I want to work with you, and work for you, to restore Arizona’s promise.” “Fred’s vision for Arizona and his deliberate plan for how we get there is energizing,” said Phoenix City Councilman and campaign chairman Daniel Valenzuela . “Everyone we talk with is encouraged by Fred’s leadership and vision for Arizona’s future. What Fred has accomplished in the first nine weeks of this campaign has been extraordinary; it sets the tone of what we can expect from him as Governor. Everyone who desires a renewed Arizona should go to his website right now and join us in supporting Fred for Governor.” Transcending partisan gridlock to create progress for Arizona is DuVal’s key goal. “I am a life-long Democrat, but I know that if we are to going to have a future in this state, we have to stop thinking left versus right, Republican or Democrat, and start thinking forward or backward,” he said. “When I am Governor, we will move Arizona forward.” Today’s announcements were deliberately held at small businesses where people gather every day to work, share ideas and build community. Squash Blossom in Phoenix and Bentley’s in Tucson are locally owned. Arizona business and education leader Fred DuVal , established a committee to explore running for Governor on February 14, 2013. DuVal has held leadership positions in the Arizona Governor’s Office, the White House, Arizona’s public university system and in the private sector, where he was credited with solving big problems for middle-class families. When he announced the formation of his exploratory committee, DuVal cited “stalled growth and vanishing jobs” as trends that are “slowly closing the gates of opportunity on our next generation.” Calling for a “clear strategy to attract jobs of the future and make changes to ensure our prosperity,” DuVal has been visiting communities across Arizona for weeks. Fred DuVal graduated from Tucson High School. He received a B.A. from Occidental College and received a degree in law from Arizona State University. He is married to Jennifer Hecker DuVal and has two sons. Learn more at SOURCE Fred DuVal for Governor 2014 RELATED LINKS
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