Free Reading Level Screenings at Phoenix Public Library

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của

July 30, 2013 Library Bird ImageTake 30 minutes to help your child read on grade level. Burton Barr Central Library, located at 1221 N. Central Ave., hosts free reading level screenings the first Saturday of each month. Specially trained staff will screen children in kindergarten through third grade to determine their reading level. For children not reading on grade level, staff will suggest activities and materials to help the child. Referral information will be provided to families whose child may need professional assistance. The last appointment starts around 12:30 p.m. Registration is not required. Screenings are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Screenings provided by Arizona Literacy & Learning Center. Phoenix Public Library is a system of 16 branch libraries and the Burton Barr Central Library. For more information, call 602-262-4636 or visit Follow us on Twitter at and “like” us on Facebook at Media Contact: Rita Marko 602-534-2025

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