Phoenix Symphony Orchestra Brass Quintet to Perform at City Hall

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng của May 29, 2014 The Phoenix Symphony Orchestra Brass Quintet will perform a free public concert at noon Tuesday, June 3, at the City Hall atrium, 200 W. Washington St. The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture invited the Quintet to perform as part of the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra’s community touring program. The 30-minute concert will include selections of classical and popular pieces, including the finale from “The William Tell Overture,” Henry Mancini’s “The Pink Panther” theme and the “Imperial March” (Darth Vader’s theme) from “Star Wars.” The Phoenix Symphony Brass Quintet is one of several smaller chamber groups within the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra that travels out into the community— to classrooms for music education, nursing and retirement homes, and private homes for special events. A quintet is made up of five instruments. The most common instrumentation for a brass quintet is two trumpets, one French horn, one trombone, and a tuba. The majority of original brass quintet compositions belong to the 20th and 21st centuries. These works contain huge virtuosic passages and difficult rapid techniques that showcase each of the above instruments in this chamber setting. The players must be able to do it all—high range, low range, and everything in between, huge orchestral brass sound to woodwind-like technique and agility in the next moment. For more information, contact the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture at 602-262-4637. Media Contact: Gail Browne 602-495-0186 Joyce Valdez 602-262-6213

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