City Water Services Receives National Award for Wastewater Treatment Excellence

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Aug. 1, 2014 The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) recently recognized the City of Phoenix for continued environmental excellence at its 23rd Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant earned NACWA’s Platinum Peak Performance Award for five consecutive years of perfect National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance. “I know how dedicated our City employees are, but it’s great to see national groups recognize their work too,” said Mayor Greg Stanton. “This sends a strong message about our commitment to protecting our environment and building a more sustainable city,” he said. NACWA is a nationally-recognized leader in environmental policy, water quality, and ecosystem protection issues. “This award recognizes that Phoenix is a leader in water quality and ecosystem protection,” said Councilwoman Thelda Williams. Phoenix treats 250 million gallons of wastewater each day after receiving it through 5,000 miles of sewer lines. The city treats wastewater from 2.5 million people in Phoenix, Glendale, Mesa, Scottsdale, and Tempe. Phoenix Water Services Department The City of Phoenix Water Services Department is more than 100 years old and treats and distributes tap water to 1.5 million customers over approximately 540 square miles. Water Services also manages Phoenix’s sewer system, and handles wastewater treatment operations for 2.5 million residents in five Valley cities. Water Services infrastructure includes 7,000 miles of water lines, 5,000 miles of sewer lines, seven treatment plants, 50,000 fire hydrants and 90,000 manholes. Phoenix’s water and sewer rates are among the lowest of comparable-sized cities nationwide. Phoenix’s tap water supply is in very good shape due to decades of planning and multiple water sources. Phoenix performs more than five million tests and measurements each year to meet or surpass stringent water quality regulations. The city reuses nearly all of its wastewater on crops, wetlands and energy production. Contact: Victoria Welch Phone Number: Office: 602-262-5060, Cell: 602-390-1062]]]]> ]]>