Baby Shots FREE Immunization Clinic
Event Start Time: Feb. 7, 2015, 11:00 AM Event End Time: Feb. 7, 2015, 3:00 PM Immunization records must be brought with you to the Baby Shots event. The PFD Baby Shots Immunization Program provides free vaccinations to children who are eligible under the Vaccine for Children’s Program (VFC). The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay. The program was officially implemented in October 1994 as part of the President’s Childhood Immunization Initiative. Funding for the VFC Program allows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to buy vaccines at a discount from the manufacturers and distribute them to state health departments and certain local and territorial public health agencies which, in turn, distribute them at no charge to private physician offices and public health clinics registered as VFC providers. Media Contact: John Tomazin General Contact: Michelle Miller Phone Number: 602-534-BABY (2229)]]]]> ]]>