Dinner Lab Tổ Chức Đầu Tiên Tại Thành Phố Phoenix Với 5 Món Việt Do Đầu Bếp Nini Nguyễn Nấu

Theo nguồn tin trên mạng blog của The Phoenix New Times Dinner Lab’s Phoenix Launch Was Less Than Stellar By Lauren Saria Wed., Apr. 15 2015 at 6:00 AM http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bella/2015/04/dinner_lab_phoenix_launch_review.php

SOURCE: The Phoenix New Times “Last Friday, New Orleans-based dining company Dinner Lab hosted its first Phoenix event, a five-course Vietnamese-inspired pop-up dinner prepared by chef Nini Nguyen, formerly of Sucre (New Orleans) and Eleven Madison Park (NYC). ”

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