City of Phoenix Kicks Off Summer Heat Relief Efforts
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June 1, 2015 The onset of triple-digit temperatures means it is time for the annual Summer Respite Program. The city of Phoenix Human Services Department is asking employees and the public to donate unopened water bottles, sunscreen, new underwear, white socks, white T-shirts, insect repellent and prepackaged snack items to be collected at the city’s family services centers. The items will be distributed to the homeless by experienced homeless outreach teams. “Living on the streets can be a life-threatening situation, especially when temperatures move into the triple digits,” said Councilwoman Kate Gallego, chairwoman of the City Council Neighborhoods, Housing & Development Subcommittee. “I encourage everyone to give whatever they can to make this year’s program a success – giving just a few bottles of water can literally save a life.” Residents can bring their tax-deductible donations to any of the city’s three family services centers from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday: Travis L. Williams, 4732 S. Central Ave. (602-534-4732) John F. Long, 3454 N. 51st Ave. (602-262-6510) Sunnyslope, 914 W. Hatcher Road (602-495-5229) The city also participates in the Heat Relief Network, a Valleywide program to ensure the safety of homeless people, seniors, disabled and other residents in need during the hot summer months. Each summer the city of Phoenix works as part of the Heat Relief Network in cooperation with other government agencies, corporations, nonprofit and faith-based organizations to bring heat relief to individuals, families, seniors and the disabled who are homeless and at high risk as temperatures begin to reach more than 100 degrees. The city’s Human Services Department is educating seniors at its 15 senior centers about the dangers of heat exposure, how to recognize heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps. Information about the Heat Relief Network and Summer Respite program, as well as a list of tips on how to stay safe and hydrated during the summer heat, is available at For more information, call 602-256-4302. Media Contact: Alejandro Montiel, 602-534-3443 General Contact: Human Services Department Phone Number: 602-256-4302]]]]> ]]>