Unofficial Election Results of the 2015 Mayor and Council Election
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Return to News Unofficial Election Results of the 2015 Mayor and Council Election Aug. 25, 2015 As of 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25, the unofficial results from the Phoenix City Clerk Department for the 2015 Mayor and Council Election are: Mayor Greg Stanton 57,469 votes (65.98 percent) Anna Maria Brennan 24,086 votes (27.65 percent) Matthew Jette 5,121 votes (5.88 percent) District 1 Thelda Williams 8,317 votes (94.59 percent) District 3 Bill Gates 11,604 votes (97.06 percent) District 5 Daniel Valenzuela 5,176 votes (74.50 percent) Felix Garcia 1,716 votes (24.70 percent) District 7 Michael Nowakowski 3,503 votes (95.84 percent) There also were five propositions on the ballot. The unofficial results are: Proposition 100 – Ratification of the Phoenix General Plan Yes – 65,589 votes (76.79 percent) No – 19,825 votes (23.21 percent) Proposition 101 – Continuation of Locally Controlled Alternative Expenditure Limit Yes – 60,387 votes (70.25 percent) No – 25,568 votes (29.75 percent) Proposition 102 –Proposed Charter Amendment to authorize the City of Phoenix to issue electronic payments. Yes – 65,729 votes (78.36 percent) No – 18,153 votes (21.64 percent) Proposition 103 – Proposed Charter Amendment to the City of Phoenix Employees’ Retirement Plan for new hires. Yes – 61,979 votes (72.06 percent) No – 24,032 votes (27.94 percent) Proposition 104 – Comprehensive Transportation Plan for Phoenix Yes 49,045 votes (55.76 percent) No 38,911 votes (44.24 percent) The 8 p.m. unofficial results include early ballots received by Friday, Aug. 21, and ballots cast at all voting center locations on Saturday, Aug. 22 and Monday, Aug. 24. The 11 p.m. update will include votes cast at voting center locations on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 25. The unofficial results will not include provisional ballots or early ballots received on Saturday, Aug. 22, Monday, Aug. 24 and Tuesday, Aug. 25. On Wednesday and Thursday, the City Clerk Department will continue to process early ballots and provisional ballots. The next tabulation update will be on Friday, Aug. 28 and will include the additional early ballots and provisional ballots. The results are canvassed at a formal Phoenix City Council meeting between eight and 15 days after the election, at which time the results are adopted as official. Residents also can get election results via social media on Twitter @PHXELECTIONS and by searching the #PHXElections hashtag. Phoenix voters also may contact the City Clerk Department at 602-261-VOTE (8683). -30- Media Contact: Yvette Roeder (for media only) 602-501-0620 Phone Number:]]]]> ]]>